Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hands4Hope LA

Hands4Hope LA

Participation in out-of-school time programs has been connected to improved academic achievement, school attendance and behavior. And, the best programs offer thoughtful combinations of services that best suit the particular needs of the community they serve. Since 2000, Hands4Hope LA has offered the safe environment desperately needed in the out-of-school times between 2:30 and 7pm on school days, and all day during the summer. Parents in our local neneighborhood are grateful for the no-cost opportunities we provide, because they would otherwise be forced to leave their children unattended and unsupervised afterschool, and hope for the best. Our Core Content combines academic, enrichment, cultural, and recreational activities to guide learning andengage children and youth in dynamic activities that complement the school day.

Director: Lydia Floyd

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